Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I know, crazy.

I know. So lame that I haven't updated as much as I would like. I need to make sure that I do keep updating... I miss writing.

Wedding planning and the details are still in order. I have lots I have to share regarding colors and decorations/layouts-- you know, the goods!

It's been a busy summer so far.

Chris' stay was fabulous. His parents loved it here, I think. They were kinda bombarded with my side of the family (srsly, uncles, aunts, cousins... and when you're Hmong, you're related to EVERYONE. Srsly.) but were such great sports! Hah. My parents' bash was a hit :)

The 2 family reunions I had this summer were great. I'm surrounded by the best family evAr. Srsly.

I'm headed out to SoCal in 2 weeks to apartment shop with the soon-to-be-hubby and then we're heading up north to see his family for the weekend. It'll be somewhat wedding-planning free which will be a nice break for me. *grin* Can't wait for lunch at the beach!!

There's one last camping trip in August to plan for after I get back from CA. Excited about that too. I love camping. As long as there's running water... and a flushing toilet. Hey, it's camping-- I'm sleeping in a tent, aren't I? :P

On a serious note, I've been reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love." It's a dangerous book to pick up. God's voice is loud and clear through that book. This week has been designated as "outreach week" for our church and it's been a struggle to really remember that sharing God's love should be my lifestyle-- not an event that occurs only once or twice a year-- if even. I want what breaks God's heart to break mine as well.

On Monday, I met a girl who just recently came to the US from Cambodia when she married her husband 1 1/2 years ago. She talked about how lonely it is sometimes to be here and not know anyone, but she loved that our church was so nice welcoming as we taught her how to play volleyball. I just pray that God would begin to reveal Himself to her in whatever way He wills.

Yesterday, there were just all kinds of roadblocks and excuses for why I wouldn't be going. And yet there came that still small voice that unmistakingly was the Spirit prompting me to go. There weren't as many people at the park, but I realized that it wasn't about whether I came into contact with someone or not, it was about being obedient to just go.

"Give me one pure and holy passion; give me one magnificent obsession, give me one glorious ambition for my life, to know and follow hard after You..."

And the battle between the Spirit and the flesh continues.

1 comment:

  1. When Francis Chan came to speak at my college he told us about his book "Crazy Love" <-- I'm really interested in getting into that book one of these days...

    Thanks for writing, Hnou... really...

    I know you don't really even know me, but I love reading your writings and viewing glimpses of your life through your eyes... your 'realness' is refreshing... and your blog is inspirational to me :)

    laterz! ~Jess~
